Rev. Michelle Matthews

Pastor, Kingstowne Communion

About this speaker

Rev. Michelle Matthews is the planting pastor of the Kingstowne Communion, a 5 year old inclusive United Methodist faith community in south Alexandria, committed to extending God's Table through courageous conversation, creative community, and collaborating for the common good. Professionally, Michelle is passionate about building local partnerships for the common good of the community, taking the church public, and creating a culture of permission-giving that propels a church into front-lines mission. Personally, Michelle enjoys seeing the world through the eyes of her 10 month old daughter, Olive, doing life with her husband Chris and their cat Chandler Bing, and appreciating all things food, wine, and live music.

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Responding with Urgency When the World Hurts

January 15, 2022, 03:15 PM
Michelle Matthews