Lauren Soljanyk

Access Ministries Coordinator, Floris UMC

About this speaker

Lauren holds a Masters in Education in Special Education, and has worked in the field for 15 years. She has worked with post-secondary students all the way down to the little ones and has worked in many parts of the disability and education community. Also former classroom teacher for Fairfax County Public Schools, she is enjoying her new role at Floris UMC and the opportunity to do more community based work. In addition to continuing Floris’s Buddy Program, she is working on creating a substantial ministry for young adults with disabilities.


She lives in Centreville with her daughter Suzanna, who is in 4th grade. Lauren coaches track and cross country at Chantilly High School and is also certified as a yoga instructor.


Creating a Buddy Program--Offering Support to those with Different Abilities

January 15, 2022, 03:15 PM
Lauren Soljanyk