Jill Gaynor

Annual Giving Officer, UMFS

About this speaker

United Methodist Family Service (UMFS) is an unwavering champion for high-risk children and families across Virginia. They serve children in foster care and children struggling with mental health and behavioral challenges through their foster and adoptive programs, specialized education schools, and residential treatment programs. UMFS empowers children and families to overcome challenging circumstances, achieve their goals, and build brighter futures. Jill Gaynor serves as the Annual Giving Officer at UMFS. A lifelong United Methodist, Jill is a member of Reveille UMC, and serves as a General Conference delegate and President of the Virginia Conference Board of Communications. Sophia Booker serves as Youth Development Coordinator at UMFS.

A foster care alumna, Sophia is a passionate advocate for youth in foster care and serves on the State Executive Council of the Office of Children’s Services.

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What's Love Got To Do With It ? (A conversation about the ministry of Foster Care)

January 15, 2022, 03:15 PM
Sophia Booker Jill Gaynor